Columbus Fire and Rescue Magazine Volume 4 Numer 2 | Page 10
command staff
Fire lanes are a safety regulation mandated by fire departments for ease of access
in case of an emergency. They are generally identified by a sign and/or red markings, fire lanes are easily visible by drivers.
Fire lanes are designated areas, usually in
front of a building or structure, existing
for the purpose of eliminating obstructions in case of an emergency. No parking is permitted in a fire lane at any time.
Mississippi Code Section 63-3-913 states
that no motor vehicle, except a vehicle
responding to an emergency shall be
parked in an area marked to give access to
emergency vehicles. Unlawful parking or
blocking access shall result in a penalty
(fine) for each violation.
The City of Columbus has many designated fire lanes in front of buildings and
structures. Columbus Fire and Rescue
has personnel designated to check fire
lanes periodically during the day and
night looking for motor vehicles parked
in or obstructing the fire lane. The fine in
the City of Columbus for parking in a
fire lane is $50.00. The fire officer will
document the offense by taking a photo of
the vehicle while it is still parked in the fire
lane. The reason for documenting the
offense is so that there is no disputing the
offense in court.
The next time you go shopping make it a
habit of glancing at the fire lane, you will
most assuredly find someone parked in a
fire lane. Look at it like this, you could be
inside that store needing emergency assistance and someone has blocked the access
to the building for emergency vehicles by
parking in the fire lane.
[email protected]
Photo by Captain wesMIMS
(662) 329-5121