Colossium Magazine September Issue_2019 | Page 36

and more judges than teachers. But so is not the scenario. Most crimes committed in South Africa are committed by indigenes not foreigners as purported. So what is their motivation you’re wondering to yourself at this moment? I could try and answer that but will that be the truth? Will that neither prove a point nor justify their actions? Whatever their motivations maybe, raising sticks and cutlasses on your fellow African and in fact any human being can never be justified. Respect for human life is something to be upheld by all whether in Africa or Europe. I n the wake of constant call for the unity of Africa, xenophobia has no place in our society. We don’t need to remind our Zulu brothers our contributions towards their lib- eration in their days of apartheid and oppression by their colonial masters. They needed help and we helped that’s just that. How- ever, it’s important to state that 36| Colossium . September 2019 xenophobic attacks in this era undermine all efforts and progress made to have a united Af- rica. We have come too far to fight each other. We make mockery of ourselves with such acts and undermine our own prosperity. It’s time the African Union calls South Africans to order and crack the whip of diplomacy on them if the need be. We certainly don’t want a chaotic con- tinent or retaliations by affected countries but certainly some measures must be put in place to ensure that such acts don’t gain grounds in our society. Perhaps strong trade and econom- ic sanctions can be considered to ensure that xenophobia is uprooted from the social fabric of South Africa. I refuse to think that we hate each other this much; no on the contrary we love each other. When we want to watch EPL and La Liga, we turn to DSTv. When we want to dance, we turn on some music from P-Square. There’s certainly too much love being shared on this continent. Let’s say no to Xenophobia. Back to the Contents page