Colossium Magazine March Issue_2020 | Page 58

MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY The information has become a vital part of Ghana and the world as a whole. Through digitization, the need for information increases every time to keep up with the world. Written by Adelaide Enyonam We are fed with information through technology which has made easy for the transmission of information. This high demand for information has paved the way for disinformation, fake news, cyberbullying etc. One may ask what is INFORMATION LITERACY? INFORMATION LITERACY is the set of abilities that enables people to recognize the value of information and use it to make informed choices in their personal, professional and academic lives (source University of Fort Hare). This covers the individual’s ability to decipher the information, determine if the need has been met. Information Literacy is in the light, the Media also play an important role in disseminating information to the public. Their roles affect how consumers react to the given information. MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY is the combination of knowledge, attitudes, skills and practices required to access, analyse, use, produce and communicate information and knowledge in creative, legal and ethical ways that respect human rights. (Source Moscow Declaration on 58 | Colossium . March 2020 Media and Information Literacy, 2012). The Media is the newspaper, television, social media, magazines etc. An excerpt from the New York Times on 8th July 1983 by Daniel J. Boorstin shares his view on how people are drowning in technology and the fog of information is driving out knowledge. Through the disinformation, people fail to value knowledge in the information or bring out hidden messages. Thus, the consumers become judgmental because they failed to decipher the information and value the message behind it. S O C I A L