Colossium Magazine March Issue_2019 | Page 67

HISTORY The Story Of The Ghanaian King Who Led A Slave Rebellion In Jamaica In 1760 B The massive Akwamu revolt is considered one of the longest lasting rebellions recorded in the history of the Americas. efore finding himself as a slave, working hours on end and living in hard conditions on the Frontier plantation in Jamaica, Takyi was a Fanti king from Gold Coast, now modern Gha- na. There are no records of which group of Fan- tis he ruled over before becoming a slave but 67 | Colossium . March 2019 research indicates that he might have been the ruler of a settlement in Kommenda or Koro- mantse in the central region of Ghana. Takyi was also a wealthy merchant and slave trader himself until he was captured during the Kom- mender Wars and sold off into slavery when his state was defeated. In 1759, after years of toiling and suffering on the plantations, Takyi and his allies, Yaw, Sobadu and Kwarteng, who were also of Ghanaian descent, escaped into a cave far beyond their plantations to plan a re- bellion. They escaped during the day when ev- eryone was occupied with work or at night and returning before daybreak. With full support from Queen Nanny, Takyi’s plan was to defeat the British and all slave masters and create Ja- maica as a separate and independent black col- ony. Known as Tacky’s War or the 1760 Easter Rebellion of Port Maria, the rebellion took place a year later to become the second largest and most shocking rebellion 30 years after Breffu led the Akwamus in the 1733 St John slave insurrection. The massive Akwamu revolt is considered one of the longest lasting rebellions recorded in the history of the Americas.