Colossium Magazine March Issue_2019 | Page 65

and recommendations of others to help find resolutions to embattlements. What they say or think is as important as our own opinion. They introduce several things to us to explore and discover, most of which are of great help. We also cannot underemphasize the effect of media influence on this subject. One of the places peo- ple rely on for information on the latest trend is the media – traditional or digital. Our screens are saturated with alcohol commercials most of which are related to sexual performances which is one of the reasons people discover and abuse drugs. A tramadol abuser who spoke to Nana Aba Anomah of GhOne during their cam- paign against tramadol abuse made reference to this fact. They are not getting ‘high’ for the sake of it but to perform other rigorous activi- ties without exhaustion. Sexual performance is every man’s pride thus most men will do any- thing to earn credibility to that effect. I t is surprising that not long after the war on tramadol has been won due to the effective measures put in place by the various institutions; abusers have discovered a new way to achieve the same fleshy desires. Glue is the ‘new cool’ – the Holy Grail. Abusers are now settling for glue. I could be elaborative with how they achieve this psychological orgasm but that will be me teaching you how to abuse substances. This situation is fast rising and becoming an alternative to the non-existence of other substances. There’s much to be done if we are to win this war on drug and substance abuse. The government must consider ways to transform these youths into productive citizens in order to contribute meaningfully to society. In my opinion, they need help, not condemna- tion. A lot has to be invested in mental health and rehabilitation facilities. I will like to see a society that is investing adequately in its youth and turning them into productive and useful citizens, not some glue inhaling sociopaths. Back to the Content page