do not have to do anything else. It’s like con-
tents on the platform is targeted these days. So
take for example, you LIKED, COMMENTED or
SHARED a post from Da Viva or KFC; suddenly
Facebook will open the flood gates of contents
from these sources on your timeline - contin-
uously feeding you with the same thing then
once in a while ‘entice’ you with something else
to see if you will LIKE it. I have noticed it and that
was what happened when I LIKED Frank’s post.
they give up because it’s too much work? I could
go on with the list of possible reasons projects
are not completed either on time or at all. I am
no expert in project management but it’s not too
hard to figure out some of these things. As I pon-
der over these thoughts I realized that not only
do projects not get completed; they are also most
often poorly planned and managed. Let me stick
to ‘Poor Planning’ for now. One common practice
in our urban road planning and construction is
the construction of roads without proper drain-
age systems and pedestrian walks. The only
place one will see pedestrian walks are by major
highways. Both pedestrians and motorists are
forced to share the same space in many cases.
Drainage systems are also poorly constructed -
mostly uncovered by the way. Interacting with a
contractor once about the situation, he attribut-
ed it to the lack of funds. We do not have the
money to do the right things that will protect us?
hat start-
ed off as
an online
# F i x -
- maybe
s o m e - I am often inclined to believe that the people
thing to we put in charge over our lives are oblivious
get the at-
tention of government on a situation took a dra-
matic turn. “One knocked down on Madina-Aden-
ta highway”; the headline for the week. What is
happening? Is it fake news as usual? If for noth-
ing at all Facebook is under fire for fake news
in recent times. Assuming its fake news; and no
one has died on the Madina-Adenta road, are
the uncompleted footbridges ‘fake’ news too?
I have been to Adenta, I have seen the uncom-
pleted footbridges - this cannot be false news. It
has become a norm in our country where proj-
ects are started but they never see completion
- oh no - not all. Those that serve the interest of
the government of the day see completion - like
government houses - infrastructure for cam- Lost her life on the Madina-Adenta Highway
paigns - stuff like. These need to be completed
because they are going to serve a purpose to the of the responsibilities they have. I am of-
government in power. A number of infrastruc- ten inclined to believe, they take us for
tural projects do not. What could be the issue? granted; riding on our - suffer – and – smile
Lack of funds, perhaps? The contractors took a nature. I look at our footbridges and ask
vacation? Did they run out of raw materials? Did myself “Is this the way up to Heaven?”;
27 | Colossium . December 2018