COLORI রং Raṁ | Page 10

intrigued scene of the view. One of the water nymths look up at Arke. Her hair was just like waterfalls and pale skin of milk. She spoke in a cold tone, "You are a cruel woman."

Arke looks up from the waters and glares at her, "Who said I did it?"

The water nymth spat on her face before Arke cobbled up a golden shadow bow and arrow and shot an arrow through her chest. Instead, the arrow was engulfed with a water figure and dropped back into the river; rippling the water. Arke gave a grimance of hatred while her bow faded away from her hands, "I hate naiades." she saidt in discust.

She throws a stone at the river causing the nymths to flitch as she walked away.


Azure missed the colors and everything she had. Depression would always immerse her when it came to these types of thoughts. She was welcomed to a new life and a new struggle. It was quiet saddening as Athene compelled as she watched over her, she decides to take action with the god of love.