Lesson Plans to go with this Reader
The Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix is an online , searchable , and standards-based database for K-12 teachers . The Matrix contextualizes national education standards in science , social studies , and nutritional education with relevant instructional resources linked to Common Core Standards . Below are a few lesson plans that could be used in conjunction with this Colorado Reader . Go to www . GrowingYourFuture . com and click on Curriculum Matrix ( on the Home Page or under the Educator ’ s Tab ), search each title within the Curriculum Matrix to find these lesson plans .
A Day Without Dairy ( 3-5 ): Students create , read , and interpret graphs relating to the economic importance of the dairy industry and are challenged to understand the economic consequences of a day without dairy . https :// agclassroom . org / matrix / lesson / 255 /
Cowabunga ! All About Dairy Breeds ( 3-5 ): Students explore breed characteristics and countries of origin for five different breeds of dairy cattle and discover why dairy farmers choose individual breeds for specific purposes . https :// agclassroom . org / matrix / lesson / 248 /
Answers :
Page 2 - Cowabunga ! Activity See chart below 1 . Brown Swiss ; 2 . Brown Swiss , Ayrshire ; 3 . Ayrshire , Guernsey ; 4 . Guernsey ; 5 . Milking Shorthorn ; 6 . Holstein , Jersey , Milking Shorthorn ; 7 . Brown Swiss , Ayrshire ; 8 . Jersey ; 9 . Ayrshire ; 10 . Jersey ; 11 . Ayrshire ; 12 . Brown Swiss ; 13 . Guernsey ;
Brown Swiss
Country of Origin
The Netherlands
Physical Description
14 . Milking Shorthorn .
Page 5 - Milk is Incredible ! 1 . Calcium ; Vitamin D ; Iodine ; Phosphorus 2 . Calcium 3 . Ages 2-8 : 2 cups / Older : 3 cups 4 . Riboflavin and Pantothenic Acid 5 . Iodine , Vitamin B12 6 . C . Zinc 7 . True
Cheesemaking ( K-12 ): Students make fresh mozzarella cheese and discover the science ( changing a liquid to a solid ), art , and craft involved in the development of specialty cheese .. https :// agclassroom . org / matrix / lesson / 813 /
Cheesemaking Kit ( K-12 ): Order a mozzarella cheese kit for only $ 10 from AgClassroomStore . com .
Use the search word “ dairy ” at www . AgClassroom . org / Matrix for additional free lessons and classroom activities or scan the QR code .
Additional Resources
DairyMAX . org : Dairy MAX is a nonprofit Dairy Council representing more than 900 dairy farm families across eight states , including Colorado . They have a wealth of tremendous resources and programs for schools and students including DairyTour360 . com ; DairyDiscoveryZone . com ; Fuel Up to Play 60 ; Milk in Schools , lessons for K-3 students and so much more . To learn more about dairy education and nutrition programs for your school , contact Sara Rose Foreman , Dairy MAX School Wellness Consultant , at foremans @ dairymax . org or call 800-332-4790 .
Video Playlist : The DairyTour360 videos as well as several
Other Unique Characteristics
All white with black spots , largest breed 1 , 500 lbs . Makes more milk than other breeds , 10 gallons per day
Athletic , strong feet and legs , brown
1,500 lbs .
Ayshire Scotland Red and white 1,200 lbs .
Guernsey Guernsey Gold and white 1,150 lbs .
Milking Shorthorn
Honey-brown , small , “ pretty ”
Roan , red , red and white , or white
900 lbs .
1,450 lbs .
Milk high in lactose , used for cheese , likes hot and cold climates
Milk used for butter and cheese , healthy udders , withstanding cold weather
Makes golden milk , lives a long time
Second most common , high quantity of milk
Can be raised for milk or beef , produces large volumes of milk , calves are spunky and grow rapidly
cheesemaking videos have been added to a YouTube playlist on the Colorado Foundation for Agriculture channel : https :// bit . ly / 3VtKCwz or scan the QR code .
Teacher Evaluation :
To help us asses the quality of this Reader and to evaluate your students ’ knowledge , please take a few minutes to complete this online evaluation ( time to complete is less than 5 minutes ). Everyone who completes the evaluation will be entered into a drawing to receive a $ 100 gift certificate to the Ag Classroom Store . To complete the evaluation , use this link : bit . ly / 3gXkLhg or scan the QR code .
Answers :
Page 7 - Types of Cheese Activity 1 . Mozzarella ; 2 . Blue ; 3 . Cheddar ; 4 . Swiss ; 5 . Ricotta ; 6 . Brie ; 7 . Colby Jack ; 8 . Parmesan ; 9 . Provolone ; 10 . Gouda ; 11 . Muenster ; 12 . Pepper Jack