Test Your Beef Sustainability Knowledge
Beef farmers and ranchers are committed to raising cattle in a way that is good for the planet . In fact , cattle do more than provide beef for you to eat : they also preserve the land where they live . How much do you know about beef ’ s role in sustainability ? Or are you a sustainability expert ? Take the beef sustainability quiz below .
1 . Where do cattle protect open space and enhance wildlife habitats by grazing ? 3 a . the West coast b . across the entire United States C . the Rocky Mountains d . Florida wetlands
4 . By adopting a vegetarian diet for a year and eliminating beef , you would reduce your household ’ s total greenhouse gas emissions by only __________. That ’ s less than the emissions from ONE flight across the Atlantic Ocean ! 1 , 2 a . 25 % b . 17 % c . 3 % d . 37 %
2 . Cattle grazing can __________, which not only protects animal habitats , it allows people to enjoy the outdoors by biking , hiking , camping , and more . 3 a . destroy land b . conserve land c . remove land
3 . The land that cattle graze on protects the habitats of __________ species of animals like ducks , butterflies , ladybugs , elk , and more . 3 a . several hundred b . 20 c . 5 d . 2 million
5 . What happens when cattle graze on open space ? 3 , 6 , 7 a . they reduce fuel for wildfires by munching on overgrown natural forages b . they provide habitats for wildlife like deer , birds , and even insects and butterflies c . they take plants that humans can ’ t eat and turn them into wholesome , delicious beef that we can eat d . all of the above
6 . True or false : Cattle are the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the United States . 4 a . True . Cattle production is a major cause of greenhouse gases . b . False . Cattle are part of a natural carbon cycle , releasing just 2 % of emissions when they burp , yet the transportation and electricity industries make up nearly 60 % of emissions , combined .
7 . __________, or poop , from cattle can help improve the soil , which is important for worms and plants to grow and thrive . 8 , 9 a . rumen b . fertilizer c . manure d . compost
8 . Cattle are part of Mother
Nature ’ s carbon cycle because ... 5 a . The methane they release when they burp only stays in the atmosphere for about ten years before it ’ s recycled in the soil and reabsorbed by growing plants . b . Cattle are the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the United States . c . They don ’ t release any methane at all .
6 - Colorado Agriculture in the Classroom Sources listed on Educator Guide
Key : b , b , a , c , d , b , c , a