Colorado Reader: The Story of Colorado Beef 2022-2023: Issue 3 | Page 4

Superheros for the Planet

Did you know that beef cattle are superheros ? Beef cattle production helps protect the planet .
Beef farmers and ranchers care deeply for the planet and have an interest in sustainability . They want to care for the land that was passed on from their ancestors and leave it better for the future . They use cattle as a tool to improve nature .
Cattle munch on grass and plants that humans can ’ t eat and turn them into beef that we can eat . When cattle eat plants and digest them with their special stomachs , it causes them to burp . Cattle burps are part of a natural cycle . The gases they release only stay in the atmosphere for a short time before they return to the soil . Cattle grazing helps this process by using their hooves , or feet , to speed up plant growth .
The land where cattle live is also a home for many insects and animals like birds and butterflies . This land also allows people to enjoy nature by biking , hiking , camping , and more . Cattle are superheros that help the planet and provide delicious beef dishes like steak and hamburgers to people , too !
How can YOU be a superhero for the planet ? In the space below , create a superhero name and describe their power for protecting the planet .
Superhero name : ______________________________ Superhero power : _____________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Can you match the beef cattle feeds pictured on the right with the descriptions below ?
A - Grass / Hay : Grass can be cut and made into hay for livestock . Different types of hay will have varying levels of protein and fiber .
B - Steam Flaked Corn : Corn is often processed with a steam-flaker to make the nutrients easier to digest . Corn is a great source of energy .
C - Rolled Oats : Oats are a good source of fiber and can be fed during most stages of growth .
D - Sugar Beet Pellets : Pulp leftover from processing sugar beets into sugar for humans is made into pellets for feed for cattle and contains energy and fiber .
E - Mixed Ration : A ration is a mixture of many feed sources ( such as oats , corn , pellets and ground hay ) to create a balanced diet for the cattle to include protein , energy and fiber .
Answer 1 :___________________
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Answer 5 :___________________
4 - Colorado Agriculture in the Classroom Source : https :// www . beefitswhatsfordinner . com / raising-beef / sustainability-for-kids