Beef Basics : Students will explain the importance of the beef cattle industry , including the products cattle produce , the production process from farm to plate , and how cattle can utilize and obtain energy from grass and other forage . ( https :// agclassroom . org / matrix / lesson / 284 /)
At Home on the Range ( Grades 3-5 ): Students will learn about rangelands by participating in a hands-on activity of growing their own grass to represent a beef or sheep ranch . ( https :// agclassroom . org / matrix / lesson / 554 /)
Ranch Starter Kit : Students can grow their own ranch with this kit with enough materials for 35 students . Cost is $ 8.00 per kit . Order here : https :// bit . ly / 3sgl7z9
Additional Lessons for K-12 Instruction : There are a wide variety of additional FREE ready-to-use lesson plans , companion resources , kits , maps / infographics , and movies / videos for K-12 instruction about cattle . These are available by searching the word “ cattle ” on the Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix available at AgClassroom . org or simply use this link : https :// bit . ly / 3tGghwP
Page 2 : Where are the Cattle ? Q : What county has the most beef cows and calves ? A : Weld County Q : Can you name the five counties that are in the 100,000 to 499,999 range ? A : Yuma County , Morgan County , Logan County , Kit Carson County , and Prowers County Q : What is the range of cattle numbers for the county where you live ? A : Answers will vary based on location . Q : How many counties raise between 10,000 and 99,999 beef cows and calves ? A : 30 counties Page 4 : Match the Feeds Answer 1 : C - Rolled Oats Answer 2 : A - Grass / Hay Answer 3 : E - Mixed Ration Answer 4 : D - Sugar Beet Pellets Answer 5 : B - Steam Flaked Corn Page 5 : Colorado Land Use pie chart
2 . Other Rural Land
1 . Forest Land 3 . Pastureland
Page 6 : Test Your Beef Sustainability Knowledge 1 . b ; 2 . b ; 3 . a ; 4 . c ; 5 . d ; 6 . b ; 7 . c ; 8 . a Sources :
1 . Norwood , Bailey . 2018 . Investigating the GHG emissions of grass-fed beef relative to other GHG strategies . The Rangeland Journal 40 ( 5 ): 513-525 . https :// www . publish . csiro . au / RJ / RJ17035
2 . O setters , 2021 . Flight Emissions Calculator .
3 . Barry , Sheila . 2021 . Beef Cattle Grazing More Help than Harm for Endangered Plants and Animals .
4 . EPA . 2021 . Inventory of U . S . Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks : 1990-2019 . U . S . Environmental Protection Agency , Washington , D . C .
5 . UC Davis . 2020 . Clear Center . The Biogenic Carbon Cycle and Cattle . https :// clear . ucdavis . edu / explainers / biogenic-carbon-cycle-and-cattle
6 . Taylor , Charles . 2006 . Targeted Grazing to Manage Fire Risk . University of Idaho . Found on : https :// www . webpages . uidaho . edu / rx-grazing / Handbook / Chapter _ 12 _ Targeted _ Grazing . pdf
7 . Baber , J . R . et al ., 2018 . Estimation of human-edible protein conversion e ciency , net protein contribution , and enteric methane production from beef production in the United States . Trans . Anim . Sci . 2 ( 4 ): 439-450 .
8 . EPA . 2015 . Beneficial Uses of Manure and Environmental Protection . Access at : https :// www . epa . gov / sites / production / files / 2015-08 / documents / beneficial _ uses _ of _ manure _ final _ aug2015 _ 1 . pdf
9 . Fenton , Megan . Carl Albers , Carl . Ketterings , Quirine . 2008 . Cornell University Cooperative Extension . Agronomy Fact Sheet Series : Soil Organic Matter . Access at : http :// franklin . cce . cornell . edu / resources / soil-organic-matter-fact-sheet
4 . Cropland 5 . Water Areas
9 . Rangeland 8 . CRP Land
7 . Developed
6 . Federal Land