Colorado Reader: The Food Ecosystem 2021-2022 - Issue 1 | Page 5

In the past 60 years , pork producers have reduced the pork industry ’ s environmental footprint by using less .
75.9 % less land 25.1 % less water 7 % less energy 7.7 % fewer carbon emissions benefits plant agriculture . These plants or crops are a feed source for pigs , sheep , beef and dairy cattle . Manure is an effective , organic nutrient source for sustainable crop production .

Let ' s Talk Pork

Are pork producers protecting the environment ? YOU BET ! Like all Americans , pork producers are concerned about safeguarding the nation ’ s resources for future generations .
Of the 10 % of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture in the U . S ., animal production is only responsible for small amount of that total . Pork farmers were responsible for about onethird of one percent or 0.33 %.
Pigs are monogastric animals , which means they have one stomach . Their food is not fermented in the rumen as in beef cattle , dairy cattle , and sheep .
Pig farmers measure manure output on farms to preserve air and water quality , keeping farms safe and pigs healthy . Remember our food ecosystem diagram on the cover ? Fertilizer in the form of manure from animal agriculture

In the past 60 years , pork producers have reduced the pork industry ’ s environmental footprint by using less .

75.9 % less land 25.1 % less water 7 % less energy 7.7 % fewer carbon emissions benefits plant agriculture . These plants or crops are a feed source for pigs , sheep , beef and dairy cattle . Manure is an effective , organic nutrient source for sustainable crop production .

In addition , pig farmers are using wind turbines , methane digesters , and solar panels to power their farms . Some farmers are now carbon negative and can supply energy to the power grid for use by others in their region . Farmers also dedicate a portion of their land for natural vegetation called buffer strips and tree windbreaks . These improve air , soil , and water quality and provide wildlife habitat .
Can You Write in the Labels for the Parts of the Pig Digestive Tract ? Teeth : Tear and chop food .
Esophagus : Muscle contractions force food through this tube and into the stomach .
Stomach : Muscles mix the food with acids and enzymes , breaking it into smaller , more digestible pieces .
Small Intestine : A tube-like structure that absorbs nutrients into the bloodstream .
Large Intestine : Removes water and minerals from the undigested matter and forms solid waste that can be excreted .
Sources : PorkCheckOff . org and AgClassroom . org www . GrowingYourFuture . com - 5