Colorado Reader: SPUD-Tacular Colorado Potatoes 2022-2023: Issue 1 | Page 6

A Plethora of Potato Types

There are thousands of varieties of potatoes . More than 200 varieties are sold throughout the United States . Each of these varieties fit into one of seven potato type categories : russet , red , white , yellow , blue / purple , fingerling , and petite . Potatoes can fuel the body and brain throughout the day . Easy to prepare and pair with a variety of foods , potatoes are a simple food option to fuel your workouts . Potatoes can even be cooked in 30 minutes or less .

Russet Potatoes

Appearance : medium to large ; oblong or slightly flattened oval ; light to medium brown russet-brown ; netted skin ; white to pale yellow flesh
Texture : floury , dry ; light and fluffy ; hearty skin that is chewy when cooked
Flavor : mild ; earthy ; medium sugar content

Potato Types and Preparation Styles

As you explore the different types of potatoes listed on these two pages , take note of the preparation style icons pictured with each potato type . Use the key below to fill in the blank for the correct icon for how best to serve each potato type .
Baked Pan Fried Mashed Salad Soups & Stews

Red Potatoes

Grilled Fried Steamed Microwaved
Appearance : small to medium ; round or slightly oblong ; smooth , thin red skin ; white flesh
Texture : waxy , moist and smooth ; creamy Flavor : Subtly sweet ; mild medium sugar content

White Potatoes

Appearance : small to medium ; round to long shape ; white or tan skin ; white flesh
Texture : medium starch ; slightly creamy , slightly dense ; thin , delicate skin Flavor : subtly sweet ; mild ; low sugar content
6 - Colorado Agriculture in the Classroom