Colorado Reader: SPUD-Tacular Colorado Potatoes 2022-2023: Issue 1 | Page 12

Answer the following math questions . Show your work in the space provided .
2 . If an 80 count carton of medium sized potatoes has 4 rows of 5 potatoes each on the bottom layer , how many layers of potatoes are there ?
3 . If a 120 count carton of small sized potatoes has 4 layers , what are the possible arrangements of potatoes in each layer ?
4 . What are the possible potato arrangements for a carton containing 40 potatoes ( remember : length x width x height = # of potatoes )?
5 . If it cost you $ 20.00 to purchase a carton of extra large , 40 count potatoes , how much does each potato cost ?
6 . If it cost you $ 20.00 to purchase a carton of medium , 80 count potatoes , how much does each potato cost ?
7 . Each 100 count potato cost $ 0.27 . How much did the whole carton cost ?
8 . Your school cafeteria wants to serve all of the kids in the school a baked potato for a special luncheon . They decide on a medium size 80 count potato as the ideal size . How many cartons do they need to purchase in order to feed all 324 students ?
9 . Will the school cafeteria have any potatoes left over ? How many ?
10 . If the cartons cost $ 17 each , how much does it cost the school cafeteria to purchase enough potatoes to feed all of the students ?