Colorado Reader Sept. 2019: Colorado Grows World-Class Produce | Page 6

Look for this Logo! Have you seen this logo before? It is the new logo for the Colorado Proud program. Colorado Proud is an award- winning program from the Colorado Department of Agriculture. Colorado Proud is celebrating its 20th birthday in 2019! The Colorado Proud logo helps consumers easily find locally grown, raised, or processed food and agricultural products. Buying Colorado products supports local businesses and our state’s economy. To learn more, ask your teacher or parents if you can visit the Colorado Proud website at When are Your Favorites In Season? The Colorado Produce Calendar to the right shows all the fruits and vegetables grown by different farmers across Colorado, and when they are in season. “In season” means the crop is ready to be harvested and eaten. You will also notice that a few of the crops, like spinach and tomatoes, are grown all year. This is because some farmers have greenhouses or indoor structures, where the outside weather does not affect the crops! As you can see, not all crops are harvested at the same time throughout the year. Some grow better early in the year when the weather is cooler, and some prefer to grow all summer long in the hot sun. Growers can increase the number of months some crops are available by placing them in storage. Storage means the crops, like potatoes and onions, can safely be kept in temperature-controlled buildings for long periods of time. Where to buy Colorado Farm Fresh Produce? Colorado produce can be bought throughout the year in many different places! Have you ever been to your local farmers market? This is where farmers in your area bring their freshest and most recently harvested produce to sell to the people in your community. Because Colorado has cold and snowy winters, most of the farmers markets in our state do not run all year. They usually start up sometime in May or June and are open certain days of the week until late summer or early fall. This fall or 6 - Colorado Agriculture in the Classroom next summer, ask your parents to take you to your local farmers market! Look for the Colorado Proud logo at grocery stores, farmers markets, garden centers and restaurants. You can find the most recent list of farmers markets in Colorado by going to Or, download the free Colorado Farm Fresh mobile app from the Colorado Department of Agriculture available for Apple and Android devices.