Colorado Reader: Powerful Pollinators 2021-2022: Issue 3 | Page 3

Seed Germination and Anatomy

Seeds !

Seeds are vital to our survival . Without seeds , the plants that provide our food , fuel , fiber , oxygen , and many other essential products would not exist . Seeds are the method by which some plants reproduce . Each seed has a seed coat , an embryo ( baby plant ), and a food source in the form of either an endosperm or cotyledons .
In order for a seed to germinate , or sprout , it needs warmth , moisture , and air . Seeds remain dormant and will not germinate until the proper conditions are present . For example , in some climates the winter soil temperature may dip to below 32 ° F . Seeds will not sprout in these conditions . Once the ground thaws in the spring and the temperature rises to approximately 65 ° F , most seeds will sprout if moisture and air are also available . Most seeds germinate when the temperature is between 65-85 ° F .
seed coat

Seed Germination and Anatomy

Inside a Seed first true leaves
embryo : new plant
cotyledon : food for the embryo
In the germination process , moisture softens the seed ' s outer protective covering , called the seed coat . The embryo pushes through the softened seed coat and the new plant begins to grow . The roots push further down into the soil and a shoot , which seed coat cotyledon
contains the new plant ' s stems and leaves , pushes up towards the surface .
The germination process can be somewhat mysterious because it typically occurs underground where it cannot be observed .

Seeds of Opportunity Did you know that there are a lot of exciting jobs in the seed industry ? The seed industry is a vital , growing field whose employees not only make a good living , they also make a difference .

Management and Business
• Market Research & Planning
• Advertising
• Product Management
• Marketing Administration
• Customer Service Manager
• Financial Manager
• Food Broker
• Human Resources Manager
• Sales Representative
• Business Manager
Interests and Skills : sales , marketing , communication , organization , collaboration , creativity
Scientific and Engineering
• Plant Breeder
• Research Scientist
• Molecular Geneticist
• Field or Lab Technician
• Entomologist
• Pathologist
• Bioprocess Engineer
• Food Engineer
• Nanotechnologist
• Environmental Scientist
• Field , Plant , & Quality Manager
• Biomaterials Engineer
• Physiologist
• Business Manager
Interests and Skills : science , mathematics , genetics , computers , technology , research
Agriculture and Forestry Production
• Fruit and Vegetable Grower
• Greenhouse Manager
• Seed Producer
• Seed Technologist
• Aquaculturist
• Field Production Agronomist
• Plant Operator
• Maintenance Technician
• Tree Farmer
• Viticulturist
Interests and Skills : science , technology , computers , nature , problem-solving
Education , Communication , and Governmental Services
• Agricultural Science and Business Teacher
• Agricultural Science Reporter
• Environmental Impact Analyst
• Food Inspector
• Public Relations Specialist
• Naturalist
• Conservation Officer
• Plant and Animal Inspector
Interests and Skills : science , mathematics , education , communication , research , nature
The seed industry accounts for nearly 22 million jobs in the United States . To learn more visit www . FirstTheSeedFoundation . org .
Source : Farming in a Glove ( https :// www . agclassroom . org / matrix / lesson / 66 /) www . GrowingYourFuture . com - 3