Colorado Reader: Powerful Pollinators 2021-2022: Issue 3 | Page 10

Powerful Pollinators



Vocabulary definitions :

Student Worksheet

Powerful Pollinators
Activity : Using the information in this Colorado Reader , or your own research , write the correct letter of the vocabulary definition on the line of the corresponding vocabulary word .
Vocabulary words : 1 . conservation ________ 2 . dormant ____________ 3 . pollinator ___________ 4 . beeswax ____________ 5 . seed coat ___________ 6 . colony ______________ 7 . pest ________________ 8 . insects _____________ 9 . stamen _____________ 10 . brood _____________ 11 . endosperm ________ 12 . nectar _____________ 13 . vertebrates ________ 14 . pollenizer _________ 15 . embryo ___________ 16 . mammal ___________ 17 . germinate _________ 18 . biotic _____________ 19 . cotyledon _________ 20 . abiotic ____________ 21 . pistil ______________ 22 . metamorphosis ____ 23 . pollen _____________
A . relating to nonliving things in an environment
B . a substance secreted from glands located on the underside of a worker bee ’ s abdomen
C . relating to living things in an environment D . the offspring produced by the colony ( eggs and larvae ) E . a group living together
F . sensible use of earth ’ s natural resources ( water , soil , air , minerals , wildlife , wetlands , endangered species , grasslands , forests ) while protecting things found in nature
G . the first leaf to emerge from a seed H . not active but able to become active
I . a human , animal , or plant in the early stages before it is born , hatched , sprouted , etc .
J . tissue formed within a seed that contains energy ( starch ) and protein for the germinating seed
K . begin to grow L . a small arthropod animal that has six legs and generally one or two pairs of wings
M . the process of change in the form and habits of an organism during transformation from an immature state to an adult stage
N . a warm-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that is distinguished by the possession of hair or fur , the secretion of milk by females for the nourishment of the young , and ( typically ) the birth of live young
O . a sweet liquid secreted by flowers
P . an organism living and growing where it is not wanted and is causing damage to plants , humans , structures , and other creatures
Q . female parts of a flower , including the stigma ( where pollen lands ), style ( stalk-like part between stigma and ovary ), and ovary ( at the base , develops into the fruit and contains the seeds )
R . the fine , powder-like material produced by the anthers of flowering plants S . plant that provides pollen T . agent that moves pollen resulting in the pollination of flowers U . the male part of the plant containing the pollen , anther , and filament V . the protective outer covering of a seed
W . an animal of a large group distinguished by the possession of a backbone or spinal column , including mammals , birds , reptiles , amphibians , and fishes