Colorado Reader Oct. 2019: Cooperatives | Page 11

olorado Reader Educator Evaluation Cooperatives: The Business of Working Together Please take a few minutes to evaluate your students’ knowledge of this topic. Your comments help us improve future Colorado Reader issues. Thank you! 1. Prior to completing this Reader, how many students knew the term cooperative? 5. How many students know there are various sectors of cooperatives? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 2. Prior to completing this Reader, how many students knew that a business could be a cooperative? ______________________________________________ 6. How many students know that cooperatives are member driven and those members create, own, and operate the business? 3. Prior to completing this Reader, about how many students could name a cooperative that operates in Colorado? ______________________________________________ 7. How many students understand that cooperatives are common to agriculture? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 4. How many students can name the three types of cooperatives discussed in the Reader? 8. How many students can now recognize the various types of cooperatives that operate in their communities? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Please provide any additional comments that will help guide future Readers or that may be shared with our sponsors of the Colorado Reader program: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please rate: Student Activities Good Average Poor 5 4 3 2 1 Educator’s Guide 5 4 3 2 1 Reading Level 5 4 3 2 1 I would like to see more activities on: _________________________________________________________________ School ____________________________________________________________ Grade Level ____________________ Subject area(s) you teach: ___________________________________________________________________________ Name ______________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________ Email ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Fold and mail as directed on back.