Colorado Reader November 2018: Taste It, Don't Waste It! | Page 3

Parts of a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Electricity generator building When a landfill is full, a layer of soil, plastic, and clay seal in trash. Leachate tank Landfill cap - when landfill is closed Vegetation Soil Gas collector Plastic Liner Gravel and drainage Clay Methane gas recovery well Pipes collect methane gas to burn or use as fuel. Trash Groundwater monitoring well for leachate Soil monitoring well for leachate and gas Trash Landfill components - below trash Trash Gravel and drainage Soil Leachate collection pipe Plastic liner Groun dwate r Geo textile mat Clay Graphic adapted from Landfill Language Ground water - Water that flows beneath the ground and needs to be protected. Compacted clay - A type of soil that is nearly waterproof when compacted. Plastic liner – A puncture- resistant plastic layer. Leachate collection pipe – Water that trickles through the landfill is called leachate and may contain harmful substances that need to be separated from groundwater. Geotextile mat – A mat that allows water to drain through to the leachate collection system and protects the liner from tearing or puncturing. Gravel and drainage layer- Stones and rock that help filter the leachate. Soil - The final layer before trash is put into the landfill. Leachate collection systems can be gravity fed or pumped into tanks or retention ponds for temporary storage before treatment. “I used to think that when I threw away a banana peel, it would compost and return nutrients to soils. Then I started my job and learned that throwing away food is like putting the peel in a plastic bag (trash bag) inside another plastic bag (lined landfill). The food decomposes and releases methane (gas) affecting the environment. The valuable nutrients are lost because they never return to feed the soil. What a waste!” - Virginia Till, EPA - 3