Colorado Reader: Fresh Finds - Colorado Produce 2024-2025: Issue 1 | Page 9

Colorado Reader

Educator Guide to Accompany the Colorado Reader Fresh Finds : Discover Colorado ’ s Bountiful Produce !

Purpose : Students will learn about the importance of Colorado produce and the role of farmers markets in providing fresh , locally grown fruits and vegetables . Through engaging articles , fun facts , and interactive activities , the magazine fosters an understanding of agricultural practices , nutritional benefits , and the economic impact of local farming .
Colorado Academic Standards : This crosscurricular educational resource will meet the following standards through various activities , such as reading informational texts , conducting math exercises related to cooking , and engaging in writing tasks . Each activity is designed to align with the relevant grade-level expectations for reading comprehension , mathematical reasoning , and effective communication .
3RD GRADE STANDARDS Reading , Writing , and Communicating
Reading for All Purposes
• Standard 2 : Reading for all purposes involves actively reading , analyzing , and drawing conclusions .
• Standard 3 : Readers use information from various texts to increase their knowledge of the world .
Writing and Composition
• Standard 1 : Writers use specific techniques to make their writing clear and precise .
Number & Operations — Fractions
• Standard 3 . NF . A . 3 : Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases , and compare fractions by reasoning about their size .
Measurement & Data
• Standard 3 . MD . A . 2 : Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units .
4TH GRADE STANDARDS Reading , Writing , and Communicating
Reading for All Purposes
• Standard 2 : Reading for all purposes includes understanding the characteristics of informational texts .
• Standard 3 : Comprehending the structure of informational texts to increase knowledge .
Writing and Composition
• Standard 1 : Writers communicate information and ideas effectively .
Number & Operations — Fractions
• Standard 4 . NF . A . 1 : Explain why a fraction a / b is equivalent to a fraction ( n × a )/( n × b ).
Measurement & Data
• Standard 4 . MD . A . 1 : Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units .
5TH GRADE STANDARDS Reading , Writing , and Communicating
Reading for All Purposes
• Standard 2 : Understanding informational texts by comparing and contrasting and explaining how events or ideas are related .
• Standard 3 : Using text structure to understand the text better .
Writing and Composition
• Standard 1 : Writers write to communicate ideas effectively for different purposes and audiences .
Number & Operations — Fractions
• Standard 5 . NF . A . 2 : Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions .
Measurement & Data
• Standard 5 . MD . A . 1 : Convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system .
How to use : Use this Colorado Reader during your reading , social studies , or math time . Another option is to send these items home with your students ( or include in homework / enrichment packets ) to complete at home on virtual learning days . Or use during substitute days . Pass out one copy of the Colorado Reader to each student . Ask students to read the Colorado Reader , completing the activities within the Reader as they go . Answers to the activities in the Reader are included , should you desire to collect and score responses . To further enhance learning , incorporate any of the additional lessons from the Curriculum Matrix that are identified on the back .
$ 100 Amazon Gift Card : After using this Colorado Reader with your students , please complete the included Educator Evaluation . Your feedback is valuable to us and helps improve our educational materials . All educators who provide their name and email address will be entered into a drawing to receive a $ 100 Amazon Gift Card . An online form of this evaluation can be completed by scanning the QR code .
Vocabulary : Reviewing these terms will help students better understand the material and enhance their learning experience as they explore the world of Colorado produce and farmers markets .
Colorado Agriculture in the Classroom • 10343 Federal Blvd Unit J Box 224 , Westminster , CO 80260 • Info @ CoAgClassroom . org • CoAgClassroom . org