The CORNtinuous life cycle
The corn life cycle is a process that begins in the early spring around mid-April to mid-May across the U . S . Corn is planted in rows that are spaced 2.5 to 3 feet apart . The seeds are also planted 1.5 to 2 inches deep and 4 to 6 inches apart to ensure that the plant has enough room to grow and can stay warm and protected from the weather and birds .
The growth stages of a corn plant are divided into two categories : vegetative stages ( v ) and reproductive stages ( r ). Vegetative stages involve the growth of the plant itself and are counted by the number of leaves ( or leaf collars ) present . The reproductive stages involve the development of the seeds or kernels inside the ear of corn . The silks of an ear of corn are pollinated by pollen that falls from the tassel of the surrounding corn plants .
Once planted , the corn seed will germinate in the soil . A seed needs three things to germinate : warmth , moisture . and air . The seed will begin to absorb water and swell . Air
Farmer Rule of Thumb : Corn planted on May 1 will be harvested on October 5 .
around the seed in the soil keeps it from growing mold . Water , temperature , and weather conditions ( hail , wind ) during each stage can affect the final yield of the corn crop .
In Colorado , farmers grow either dry ground corn or irrigated corn . Dry ground corn simply means the corn plant gets all of its moisture to grow from rain or snow , no additional water is applied to the field . Irrigated corn means additional water is applied to the field using either a ditch or center pivot system . Ditch irrigation involves delivery of water to the field through a network of tubes and ditches , with the water being siphoned off a main waterway . Center pivots apply water in a circular pattern around a central pivot point in the field . The corn is watered with sprinklers and water is sourced from a well or underground aquifer .
Farmers will also apply fertilizer to their crops to help aid in the growing process . Corn has three main macronutrients ( nutrients needed in the highest quantity ) that it needs to grow . These nutrients are nitrogen ( N ), phosphorus ( P ), and
tassel corn kernels at different reproductive stages silk ear leaf collar stalk
Seed Planted roots VE V1 V3 V6 V9 VT R1 R6
4 - Colorado Agriculture in the Classroom
Graphics courtesy of Pioneer . com - Staging Corn Growth