Colorado Reader: Corn 2020-2021 - Issue 1 | Page 12

Guide for how to use the Colorado Reader with your students . Corn : It ’ s Feed . It ’ s Fuel . It ’ s Food . It ’ s Everything !

Guide for how to use the Colorado Reader with your students . Corn : It ’ s Feed . It ’ s Fuel . It ’ s Food . It ’ s Everything !

Background Information
Share this background information with your students and discuss the provided vocabulary words .
Corn is a versatile crop . It is the major grain grown in Colorado and the United States . Corn is Colorado ’ s third greatest agricultural product , generating $ 532 million in 2017 . Of all the corn grown in the U . S . and in Colorado , 99 % of that corn is dent corn or field corn . You wouldn ’ t want to eat the corn in most of the corn fields that you see as it is dent corn , not sweet corn . Corn is a monocot plant that has many purposes . Much of the dent corn becomes livestock feed and ethanol fuel , or is exported as value-added products . But dent corn is used in over 4,000 edible and nonedible products . It helps make shampoo , gum , marshmallows , plastic , tooth brushes , and much more . Colorado is not part of the Corn Belt region of the United States ( twelve Midwestern states : IA , IL , NE , MN , IN , WI , MI , SD , KS , MO , KY , OH ) where corn is the predominant crop grown . However , corn is a economically valuable crop in Colorado .
Introductory Video
Share this video from the Colorado Corn Administrative Committee with your students . It is a kid friendly link ( without ads or other popups ).
Link : https :// coloradocorn . com / education /
Colorado Reader
Pass out one copy of the Colorado Reader to each student . Also , make one copy of the Student Worksheet included in your classroom set packet and hand out to each student . You could also send these items home with your students ( or include in homework / enrichment packets ) to complete at home on virtual learning days . Ask your students to read the Colorado Reader , complete the activities within the Reader , and then complete the Student Worksheet . Answers to the activities in the Reader and the Student Worksheet are below , should you desire to collect and score responses . An online assessment for student responses is also available . Link : http :// bit . ly / Reader-Corn
Enriching Activities
Corn Revolution Video : This is a fun , educational , original music video about corn from the Peterson Farm Brothers . The link provided is a safe YouTube link without any ads , popups , or suggested videos . http :// bit . ly / PetersonBrosCorn
Making Bioplastics : The instructions for the Making Bioplastics is included in your Reader package . This activity may be done as a class , in small groups , or make copies of the instructions and ask student to complete at home . Students may have most or all of the supplies already at home . There are student observation questions to fill out will doing the activity .
Classroom Visits & Field Trips : Professionals from Colorado Corn and Corteva Agriscience are available for in-person or virtual classroom visits . Class field trips to the Corteva Research Station near La Salle are also possible . To learn more , contact Jennifer at 720-788-3224 .
Farming in a Glove ( Corn Seeds ): This kit contains instructions and enough materials for 35 students to plant five varieties of corn seeds ; popcorn , Indian corn , field corn , sweet corn and flour corn - in the fingers of a food handler ’ s glove and the cotton necessary to sprout them . Given a few days and some water , the glove will be alive with growing sprouts - baby plants that your students can observe . An excellent activity for teaching plant growth and genetic differences . Cost : $ 12.00 Order kit here : https :// bit . ly / 3iRboLf
Page 1 : Colorado Corn Map
Page 2 : Types of Corn
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Top to bottom : popcorn , sweet corn , flint corn , flour corn , dent corn
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Investigate : Answers will vary but should include mention of the differences in color , size , and shape of the corn kernels .
Student Worksheet
1 . Answers will vary based on where students live . Use chart on Page 1 to find answers for each student .
2 . A total of 98,784 pounds of corn can be harvested from ten acres of corn .
3 . Bioplastic and biofuels are renewable resources because they are made from products such as corn that can be produced in agriculture tassel at a rate equivalent to the demand .
4 . A seed needs warmth , moisture , and air to germinate .
5 . The 4Rs farmers use when applying fertilizer are right source , right rate , right timing , and right placement .
6 . A hard frost in Colorado on May 19 would most likely kill a corn plant that was planted on May 1 .
7 . A severe drought in Colorado in the month of July would greatly reduce the yield ( up to 20 %) of corn planted on May 1 . silk ear
roots leaf collar