Colorado Reader: Careers in Agriculture 2022-2023: Issue 4 | Page 12

What is Agriculture in the Classroom ®?

What is Agriculture in the Classroom ®?

The Agriculture in the Classroom ® ( AITC ) program seeks to improve agricultural literacy – the awareness , knowledge , and appreciation of food , fiber , fuel , and natural resource topics – among preK-12 teachers and their students . We strive to improve student achievement by applying authentic , agricultural-based content as the context to teach core curriculum concepts in science , social studies , language arts , nutrition , and more . By encouraging teachers to embed agriculture into their classroom , AITC cultivates an understanding and appreciation of the food and fiber system that we all rely on every day .
The Colorado Foundation for Agriculture , a 501 ( c ) 3 nonprofit education corporation , administrates Colorado ’ s Agriculture in the Classroom program and serves as the state contact for the National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization . The Colorado Foundation for Agriculture and the Agriculture in the Classroom program are unique within the agricultural education community as the lead organization to serve the full spectrum of preK-12 formal education .
Learn about our programs by visiting our website : www . GrowingYourFuture . com

Educator Evaluation - Careers in Agriculture


Agriculture in the Classroom

Colorado Foundation for Agriculture

Connecting educators and students to their food , fiber , fuel , and natural resources .
Colorado Agriculture in the Classroom • 970-818-3308 • www . GrowingYourFuture . com Jennifer Scharpe , Executive Director • 720-788-3224 • Jennifer @ coagclassroom . org Lucee Church , Education Program Coordinator • 970-361-3281 • Lucee @ coagclassroom . org