Colorado Reader: Building Blocks Fuel Your Fun 2021-2022 School Year: Issue 2 | Page 9

Educator ’ s Guide - 2021-2022 School Year Building Blocks Fuel Your Fun ( Nutrition )



Purpose :
Students will explore the five food groups and the eight basic nutrients our bodies need for a healthy , active life .
Cross Curricular Connections and Colorado Academic Standards :
3rd Grade Science : Comprehensive Health
• Demonstrate the ability to make and communicate appropriate food choices .
4th Grade Science : Comprehensive Health
• Demonstrate the ability to set a goal in order to enhance person nutrition ; Explain the importance of eating a variety of foods from all the food groups .
5th Grade Science : Comprehensive Health
• Demonstrate the ability to make good decisions about healthy eating behaviors .
3rd , 4th , and 5th Grade Reading , Writing , and Communicating : Reading for all Purposes
• Apply strategies to fluently read , comprehend , interpret , and analyze various types of informational texts .
How to use :
Pass out one copy of the Colorado Reader to each student . Also , make copies of the Student Worksheet ( on the back of this page ) and distribute to students . Another option is to send these items home with your students ( or include in homework / enrichment packets ) to complete at home on virtual learning days . Review the provided vocabulary with your students . Ask your students to read the Colorado Reader , completing the activities within the Reader as they go . They should also complete the Student Worksheet , using the content within the Reader . Answers to the activities

Educator ’ s Guide - 2021-2022 School Year Building Blocks Fuel Your Fun ( Nutrition )

in the Reader are obelow , should you desire to collect and score responses .
Lesson Plans to go with this Reader
The Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix is an online , searchable , and standards-based database for K-12 teachers . The Matrix contextualizes national education standards in science , social studies , and nutritional education with relevant instructional resources linked to Common Core Standards . Below are a few lesson plans that could be used in conjunction with this Colorado Reader . Go to www . GrowingYourFuture . com and click on Curriculum Matrix ( on the Home Page or under the Educator ’ s Tab ), search each title within the Curriculum Matrix to find these lesson plans .
FoodMASTER ( 3-8 ): A series of 10 lessons exploring food production , food safety , meal management , and measurement .
Give Me Five ! ( 3-5 ): Students examine the five food groups and what stategrown foods fit into each group by making a local connection to good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle . https :// agclassroom . org / matrix / lesson / 36 /
Understanding MyPlate ( 3-5 ): Students explore appropriate serving sizes and learn how to make healthy dietary decisions by understanding the components of nutrition as illustrated by MyPlate . https :// agclassroom . org / matrix / lesson / 379 /
Use the search word “ nutrition ” at www . AgClassroom . org / Matrix for additional free lessons and classroom activities ( or scan the QR code ).
Page 6 - What about calories : 22 grams of protein = 88 calories 0 grams of carbohydrates = 0 calories 10 grams of fat = 90 calories
Page 7 - Beef Trivia Questions 1 . A . Memorial Day 2 . C . 1,000 quarter-pound burgers 3 . B . 12 basketballs
Student Worksheet - What food group am I ?:
Answers : 1 . Grains ; 2 . Vegetables ; 3 . Fruits ; 4 . Dairy ; 5 . Protein ; 6 . Protein , Vegetables , and Grains ; 7 . Answers will vary but should include one item from the fruit group and one dairy item .
Colorado Foundation for Agriculture • 10343 Federal Blvd Unit J Box 224 • Westminster , CO 80260 • Info @ GrowingYourFuture . com • 970-818-3308