Veterinarian washing
her hands before she
treats a hog.
Barns are power
washed and cleaned
before hogs move in.
Large fans are used
to cool the barns.
This reader helps you achieve the fol-
lowing standards with your students:
Heat lamps help
keep piglets warm.
Clean coveralls and
sanitizing boots is part
of biosecurity.
Feed is being
pumped into feeders
in the barn.
Misters spray water to
help keep hogs cool
on hot days.
PAGE 6 Answers
1. glue 2. plastics 3. chalk 4. cement
5.crayons 6. glass 7. buttons 8. gloves
9. shoes 10. pet food
PAGE 7 Answers
1. What is a male pig called? boar
2. What is a female pig called? sow
3. What are baby pigs called? piglets
4. Describe one thing Minda does in
her job: Answers may vary but some
of the thing she does includes:
• supervise six sow farms north of
Holyoke, Colorado.
• work with each farm crew to
Bins outside the hog
accomplish daily tasks and goals
barns hold feed for
• oversee 41 employees who care
the hogs.
for 14,000 sows.
National Ag Literacy Outcomes:
Plants and Animals for Food, Fiber &
Energy Outcomes
Science: Understand the concept
of stewardship and identify ways
farmers/ranchers care for soil, wa-
ter, plants, and animals;
Hogs can drink fresh Identify animals involved in
water anytime from a agricultural production and
water nipple.
their uses (i.e., work, meat,
dairy, eggs); Identify the importance
of natural resources (e.g., sun, soil,
water, minerals) in farming
Health: Identify examples of feed/
food products eaten by animals and
Food, Health, and Lifestyle Outcomes
Social Studies: Diagram the path of
production for a processed product,
from farm to table
Health: Identify food sources of re-
quired food nutrients
Culture, Society, Economy & Geogra-
phy Outcomes Social Studies: Explain
the value of agriculture and how it is
important in daily life; Understand the
agricultural history of an individual’s
specific community and/or state
Colorado Academic Standards
CCSS ELA-Literacy
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.L.4: Deter-
mine or clarify the meaning of un-
known and multiple-meaning words
and phrases by using context clues,
analyzing meaningful word parts, and
consulting general and specialized
reference materials, as appropriate.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.1: Read
closely to determine what the text
says explicitly and to make logical
inferences from it; cite specific textual
evidence when writing or speaking to
support conclusions drawn from the
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRI.R.1: Refer to
details and examples in a text when
explaining what the text says explicitly
and when drawing inferences from
the text.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRI.R.3: Explain
events, procedures, ideas, or concepts
in a historical, scientific, or technical
text, including what happened and
why, based on specific information in
the text.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRF.R3a: 3. Know
and apply grade-level phonics and
word analysis skills in decoding words.
a. Use combined knowledge of all
letter-sound correspondences, syllabi-
cation patterns, and morphology (e.g.,
roots and affixes) to read accurately
unfamiliar multisyllabic words in con-
text and out of context.