Colorado Chess Informant Enero 2013 | Page 46

Volume 40 , Number 1 Colorado Chess Informant
January 2013
This game is from the 2011 Colorado Closed Championship .
Brian Wall ( 2203 ) Damian Nash ( 2049 )
1 . Nc3 d5 2 . e4 dxe4 3 . Nxe4 Bf5 4 . Ng3 Bg6 5 . h4 h6 6 . d4 e6 7 . Bc4 Nf6 8 . N1e2 c6 9 . Nf4 Bh7 10 . O-O Nd5 11 . Re1 Be7 12 . Ngh5 Rg8 13 . Rxe6 fxe6 14 . Nxe6 Qc8 15 . Nhxg7 + Kf7 16 . Bxh6 Bf6 17 . Qf3 Rxg7 18 . Nxg7 Qd8 19 . Re1 b5 20 . Bb3 a5 21 . Ne6 Qd7 22 . Nf4 Ra7 23 . Qh5 + Kg8 24 . Re8 + Qxe8 25 . Qxe8 # 1-0 outdoor area with several tables that have inlaid chess boards . With all the hustle and bustle of this busy area all around , large groups of chess players congregate . Many have never played in a chess tournament but are surprisingly strong players that play their own brand of " street chess " that often involves slamming pieces and trash talking . It ' s a diverse crowd of all ages and nationalities that attracts foreign visitors that sometimes speak little English . Social class is not a factor here where busy professionals , retired folks , college students and homeless people all compete as equals . Brian is a master performer of this type of chess and has earned total respect and awe from this group . The beauty of chess cuts across all the socio-economic barriers in this unique setting . You can often find large crowds gathered around Brian playing blitz games , usually giving large time odds . Even people that know little about chess are somehow aware watching Brian play in this element is an extraordinary event . Those poor misguided souls that try to match Brian ' s speed and wit are dispatched of quickly and often with the crowd ' s amazement and laughter .
Brian has completed several chess training videos that are available on YouTube , and a chess book with co-author Anthea Carson and illustrator Lynn Trochim called “ How To Play Chess Like An Animal .”
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I asked Brian if he had any regrets about devoting his life to the science , art and sport of chess . He smiled and answered , “ There are no regrets with chess . Any fault that is challenged will go back to the player not the game .”
Colorado Chess began recording champions over 60 years ago . When Brian was a kid he beat those old champions and as a wily veteran he has beaten many of our top juniors destined to be champions in their own due time . Put it all together and by the time he is done , Brian will have met and defeated Colorado ' s top chess players for more than a 100 year span .
Colorado has had many great chess players . Some have moved on like GM Alex Fishbein . Many others play infrequently or have completely dropped out of the Colorado scene . Like Emanuel Lasker long ago , Brian plays on . No longer the young prodigy , now the well-known leader of all Colorado players winning the yearlong 2012 Colorado Chess Tour .
A one of a kind , a special talent , a man that loves chess for chess itself and the people that play it , Brian is an unforgettable part of Colorado chess history and a treasure we all share .
We could write an awesome book and fill it with the countless wonderful games Brian has played through the years . For now , here are two old favorites that feature Brian ' s brilliant creativity .
www . colorado-chess . com
Long ago these two up and coming experts played a match in Denver . Later both earned Life Master Titles and surpassed a 2300 rating . Brian shares this memorable game as one of his alltime favorites . This game was played on June 24 , 1977 .
Robert O ' Donnell ( 2000 ) Brian Wall ( 2000 )
1 . c4 g6 2 . Nc3 Bg7 3 . e4 d6 4 . d4 Nf6 5 . f3 c6 6 . Be3 a6 7 . a4 a5 8 . Qd2 Na6 9 . Bd3 Nb4 10 . Bb1 e5 11 . Nge2 0-0 12.0-0 Qe7 13 . Ra3 exd4 14 . Bxd4 d5 15 . cxd5 cxd5 16 . Qe3 Re8 17 . Bc5 Qc7 18 . Nb5 Qc6 19 . Rc1 dxe4 20 . Bxb4 exf3 21 . Rxc6 axb4 22 . Rxc8 Raxc8 23 . Qxf3 bxa3 24 . Nd6 Rxe2 25 . Nxc8 Rxb2 26 . Qxa3 Rxb1 + 27 . Kf2 Ne4 + 28 . Ke3 Re1 + 29 . Kd3 Nf2 + 30 . Kd2 Bc3 + 31 . Kxc3 Re3 + 32 . Kb4 Rxa3 33 . Kxa3 Kf8 34 . Nd6 Ke7 35 . Nxb7 Kd7 36 . Kb4 Kc7 37 . Nc5 Ng4 38 . h3 Ne3 39 . g3 Nf1 40 . g4 Ne3 41 . Kb5 f5 42 . g5 Nd5 43 . a5 f4 44 . Ne4 f3 45 . Kc4 Nf4 46 . Nf2 Ne6 47 . h4 Ng7 48 . Kd5 Nf5 49 . Ke5 Nxh4 50 . Kf4 Kb7 51 . Ne4 Nf5 52 . Kxf3 Ka6 53 . Kf4 ½-½ k