Volume 40 , Number 1 Colorado Chess Informant
January 2013
I am proud to announce that Tactics Time ! 1001 Chess Tactics from the Games of Everyday Chess Players by Anthea Carson and myself is now available at Amazon . com for purchase ! You can check it out here at : www . amazon . com / dp / B009TBYA7U .
Even though the book has only been out a very short amount of time , the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive , and it is the # 1 best selling Kindle Chess Book !
This eBook contains hundreds of tactics from real class player games , with many from Colorado players . All of these problems are new and original .
You are going to love it !
Even if you don ’ t own a Kindle , there is free Kindle software available for just about every device including Windows , Mac , iPhone , iPad , Android , and Blackberry .
Studying real tactics from real games is the best way to supercharge your chess game , and take your rating to the next level ! Go get the book today !
Tim Brennan
Tactics Time answers :
( From the previous page .)
Want more original chess tactics from real games like these ? Get Tactics Time delivered straight to your e-mail mailbox for FREE ! Newsletters come out 3 times a week . Sign up now for the Tactics Time e-mail newsletter at www . TacticsTime . com .
1 . Dean wrote , “ Scored my ( 1472 ) highest rated win in my 39 year rated chess “ career ” tonight with a win over Paul Anderson ( 2043 ) at the Power ' s Panera Bread Wednesday G / 90 tournament . Wish I could play like this every game .” Here Dean dished out an upper cut with 24 . Rxd6 ! The rook cannot be captured because of the “ threat pin ” on the e pawn of Qg7 #. White wins a full piece in an already crushing position .
2 . Paul alertly grabs the valuable d4 pawn . With 10 ... Nxd4 ! White cannot recapture because the c pawn is now pinned to the queen by the Black rook on c8 .
3 . Mark played 14 . Bxf2 in this position , but much better was 14 . Qf1 pinning the Black knight , which is now attacked twice , and only defended once , and cannot be defended for a second time . White wins a piece .
4 . Gunnar shoots to kill with 45 ... Nxf2 + ( 45 ... Nxg3 + also works ) removing the defender of the White knight on e3 . White loses a pawn . Gunnar had a nice upset in this game , delaying Eric ’ s quest for Master , which he did eventually get after the 2012 Winter Springs Open . Congrats Eric !
5 . 25 ... Nxd4 is a menace to Dennis , grabbing a critical pawn in the chain . If 26 . cxd4 Rc2 forks the White queen and bishop , and Black gets his piece back , which is what happened in the game .
6 . 17 ... Nf2 +!! Got a double exclam from Deep Rybka . This move dishes out a Honey Boo Boo forking the White king and queen , winning the queen . 18 . Kg1 Nxd1 . If 18 . Rxf2 Qxd1 19 . Rf1 Qxf1 # 7 . 30 . Rxh7 + Rxh7 31 . Rxh7 + Kxh7 32 . Nxf6 + forks the Black king and queen . 8 . Paul snipes a piece from Wesley with 30 ... Qxd7 ! and exclaims “ What ’ s up Holmes ?” If 31 . Bxd7 Rxc1 + and Black has two rooks against a bishop . 9 . Rhett has a reputation for playing unusual openings like 1 . d3 and castling late or never . Here he played 20.0-0-0 instead of the easier kill shot 20 . Rxd8 Kxd8 21 . Nxf7 forking the Black king and rook .
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