Color Coded Queers May 2015 | Page 3

To sumbit to Color Coded Queers you must be a queer and/ or trans youth of color, ages 13-25. This is includes but is not entirely limited to any non white person or part white person. Any person that lives outside of the U.S. any person that identifies as non-heterosexual and/ or no cisgender including gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, demisexual, gray-sexual, queer, etc. Contributors must have a marginalized interesection of both race and sexuality.

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Editor's Note

Hey readers! I am proud to present to you the third edition of my zine. After a short but perhaps much needed hiatus we are back with our May issue. This month we wanted to focus on another specfic marginalized group: Latinx, Afro-Latinx, Xicanx and Indigenous queer and trans people. This means that all the artwork, stories, advice, etc. comes from Latinx people only edited by me. We are honored to share these select stories and proud to amplify them in any way we can. We hope that this issue can give a greater understanding of the issues faced by Latinx queer and trans people. Thank you and here's to another great issue!

