Color Coded Queers June 2015 | Page 21


6. Have you ever felt racism within the LGBT+ community?

Not towards me, personally; however, I have witnessed it towards others.

7. Have you ever experienced anti-LGBT+ sentiments within your own race’s community??


8. What do you think is the LGBT+ community’s biggest internal problem?

A lot of LGBT+ people refuse to recognize bisexuality, ps sexuality, and asexuality as actual sexualities because they refuse to recognize the there are more than two genders and sexes and they refuse to believe that a person can feel very minimal or no sexual attaction.

9. What do you think is the best way to fix the LGBT+ hatred within your own race’s community?

A big reason why people are homophobic in the black community is because one, we are very ignorant and two, we are extremely religious. We can fix some of the hatred through education; however, it would be nearly impossible to get religious blacks to stop their homophobic bigotry because it goes against the bible.

10. What's your advice to QTPOC who feel excluded from their own race/ethnicity's community because of prejudice and the LGBT+ community because of racism?

It absolutely sucks that you don't feel included in your race's community because of your sexuality but you are always welcome in the LGBT+ community and more specifically welcomed by those of your own race in the LGBT+ community!!!!