Color Coded Queers June 2015 | Page 19


6. Are you proud of your gender and/or sexuality and why?

Yes I am proud of my sexuality because it is an amazing sexuality and one that fits me best

7. Are you proud of your gender and/or sexuality and why?

Yes I am very proud of my race because it is a beautiful race with amazing people, food, and overall culture.

8. Has anyone ever made you feel ashamed of your gender and/or sexuality?

Lots of people from all types of communities have tried and still try to make me feel ashamed of my sexuality.

9. Has anyone ever made you feel ashamed of your race and/or ethnicity?

Yes lots of people have made me feel ashamed of my race and for a short time in my life, I was so ashamed of it I tried my best to become white

10. What was your response to the people who do try to make you feel ashamed for any aspects of your identity?

I usually ignore people who try to make me feel ashamed of who I am but sometimes I tell them what they're saying is actually ignorant and harmful.