Color Coded Queers JANUARY 2015 | Page 5

The extremism of black fundamentalist Christianity doesn't just sink it's destructive claws into black boys but also black girls. A girl who willingly will not bear children is not much of a girl. She is for all intents and purposes, useless. When she was younger and she expressed her displeasure to have kids, it was ruled as just a phase. What little girl doesn't dream of having a little baby of her own? Soon as she matured, her aversion for babies became an aversion for physically having the baby herself; and before long that was coupled with her dislike of boys. She was thirteen when she figured out for herself that she was gay. She went through a majority of her life refusing to talk about it or act upon her homosexuality, her mother's voice a light onto her path of heterosexuality. She eventually got married and had a beautiful daughter, whom she loved with all of her heart. For three decades she held onto the secret of her sexuality like her life line in the middle of the ocean, until the end of an unhappy marriage that spanned almost twenty years. Following the death of her mother she found herself in a position she had envisioned herself in many times in her youth, before her stood her teenage daughter saying words she had never had the courage to say to her own mother.

The prospect of being a black queer person in the United States of America is to be at the bottom of the totem pole from the moment you take your first breath. What makes being a queer black person unique is in the major role racism will take in your life addition to the homophobia and/or transphobia that you are likely to face, from strangers and even from the people who swore to love you no matter what.


Mike grew up in a very Christian household and they've seen many examples like this.