Steam Australia
Tim Fischer
RRP $39 .99
Peter FitzSimons
RRP $49 .99
Our Price $44 .99
Steam Australia is so much
more than a history. It is
about the great tapestry
of transport weaved by the
steam locomotive, and Tim
details how the nation was
galvanised with economic
growth delivered by steam.
Mutiny on the Bounty is a
sprawling, dramatic tale
of intrigue, bravery and
sheer boldness, told with
the accuracy of historical
detail and total command
of story that are Peter
FitzSimons’ trademarks.
This Too! Suburbia: The
Familiar and
the Forgotten Bob Byrne
RRP $34 .99 Warren Kirk
RRP $39 .99 --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Take a sentimental trip
down memory lane with
Bob Byrne as he shows
us bits of Australia we’d
forgotten, identities
and landmarks we
loved and let him
remind us that some
of the best things
about Australia
haven’t changed. Warren Kirk’s photos
will strike a chord with
anyone who’s grown
up in the Australian
suburbs. Somehow
both familiar and
strange, these images
continue his project
of documenting a
way of life that is
disappearing. TV columnist,
comedian and history
buff Ben Pobjie
turns an incredulous
eye on the history
of Australia to bust
open the national
mythology, reveal
the truth about
what it means to
be an Australian
and work out what
happened to all our
best-laid plans.
Nurses of
Australia Picturing
the Pacific You Daughters
of Freedom
Deborah Burrows
RRP $34 .99 James Taylor
RRP $49 .99 Clare Wright
RRP $49 .99
--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
From the First
Nation caregivers
who nursed for
millennia to the
untrained convict
men and women
who cared for the
sick in the fledgling
colony, nursing has
been practised in
Australia since the
beginning. This is
the story of the
nurses of Australia. This book tells
the story of the
shipboard artists
via the most
collection of the
images they painted,
providing a unique
glimpse into an age
where science and
art became entwined. Clare Wright’s The
Forgotten Rebels of
Eureka retold one of
Australia’s foundation
stories from a fresh
new perspective.
With You Daughters
of Freedom she
brings to life a time
when Australian
democracy was the
envy of the world.
Black Snake Erebus: The
Story of a Ship New Jerusalem
Leo Kennedy
RRP $35 .00
Black Snake
challenges the
legend of Ned Kelly.
Instead of celebrating
an heroic man, it
gives voice to the
victims of a merciless
gang of outlaws.
This is a true story
of two men from
similar backgrounds
whose legacies were
distorted by history.
20 Shop online at
Mutiny on the
Michael Palin
RRP $35 .00
In Erebus, Michael
Palin brings this
extraordinary ship
back to life, following
it from its launch
in 1826 to the epic
voyages of discovery
that led to glory in
the Antarctic and to
ultimate catastrophe
in the Arctic.
Australia What
Ben Pobjie
RRP $29 .99
Paul Ham
RRP $45 .00
New Jerusalem is
a story of religious
obsession and
persecution, of noble
ideals trampled
to dust...all in the
name of Christ. The
story holds a terrible
fascination in our
own time, on the
500th anniversary
of the Reformation.
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