Collin County Living Well Magazine September/October 2018 | Page 38


By Julie Alvira , MD , MBA

So , 40 is the new 20 , right ? You bet ! In order to maintain a youthful look , a woman has to take care of herself , not only emotionally but also physically . She needs to make sure her nutrition is in check . For that , let ’ s start with what vitamins should be included for proper nutrition .

Vitamin D3 Vitamin D serum levels are tested to look for deficiency . According to John Hopkins Hospital , low levels of vitamin D can play as a risk factor for heart disease . It ’ s not the only cause , of course , but it ’ s linked to it , as well as , a risk factor for stroke , diabetes , and autoimmune diseases . Adequate levels are important . After age 40 , it can help with bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and depression . A little bit of sun exposure can help increase your vitamin D . Eating foods containing vitamin D , like fatty fish and low-fat dairy , can also help .
Calcium Along with vitamin D , calcium for bone health is important . It ’ s not just a mineral to strengthen the bones , it also aids in providing protection against high blood pressure , cancer , and diabetes . When estrogen levels start to decline , women are more prone to thinning and weakened bones . Why ? When women don ’ t have an adequate amount of this mineral , the body starts to take it from the bones causing them to become weak . Help your body by ingesting legumes , dried fruit ( can be a bit high on sugar ), leafy greens , and other foods rich in calcium .
* Also important are tendons , ligaments , and joints , which can benefit from the ingestion of glucosamine .
Folate Continuing with the topic of stronger bones and preventing diseases , comes folic acid ( a form of folate ). Folic acid is a B vitamin and water-soluble . Let ’ s remember that fat-soluble vitamins ( such as , A , D , E , ad K ) are stored in the body , but water-soluble vitamins should be ingested on a daily basis . If folate is ingested with vitamin D , the absorption increases . If taken with caffeine or iron , the absorption decreases . Folate is needed for the formation of genetic materials DNA and RNA . It acts at the cellular level , making it an important factor of synthesis and repair . Are you getting enough folate ? If not , you can find it in fruits , orange juice , whole grains , beef liver , eggs , seafood , nuts , and beans . Women over 40 can combat weakness , fatigue , depression , and headache with adequate amounts of this vitamin . Some research has shown that it may help with cognitive function and Alzheimer ’ s disease but that ’ s still under study . Let ’ s not forget that folate is extremely important for pregnancy .
B-Complex Well , I already mentioned one of the vitamins in the complex which is folic acid ( B9 ). Others are : B1 ( Thiamine ), B2 ( Riboflavin ), B3 ( Niacin ), B5 ( Pantothenic acid ), B6 ( Pyridoxine ), B7 ( Biotin ), B12 ( Cobalamin ). Each of the vitamins are of significant importance on their own but in general , the complex helps with : health of the brain , muscles , red blood cell production , nervous system , hormone productions , reactions in the body , immune function , increased energy , and other numerous uses . You can find them in whole grain products , beans , tuna , nuts , chicken , beef , potatoes , legumes , certain fruits , certain seeds , leafy greens , avocado , and dairy products . Deficiency of the complex causes tiredness , anemia , depression , abdominal pain , cramps , and hair loss . A lot of people use vitamin B12 shots when they feel tired , follow a vegetarian or vegan eating plan , suffer from celiac disease , or as part of an anti aging program . Be careful because excessive amounts of B12 can also impair kidney function .
Other important supplements : omega 3 fatty acids ( as in fish oil ), probiotics ( gut health ), magnesium ( helps with blood pressure and to maintain strong bones ), lutein ( eye health ), and vitamin C ( immune system and healing process ). Still in research is turmeric , for helping as an anti-inflammatory .
A woman over 40 should consider the above plus pay attention to her body in terms of food intolerance such as dairy and gluten . She should reduce the intake of unhealthy carbohydrates which can cause inflammation and reduce sugary foods ( breaks collagen ). Unhealthy carbohydrates and sugary foods don ’ t help for lean muscle formation . Women should also add an exercise regimen that includes strength training and cardio at least three times per week , consume foods with fiber ( control blood sugar levels ), find ways to reduce stress , practice self-care , and get enough sleep .
“ Everything in moderation .” –– IskaLawrence
Julie Alvira , MD , MBA . www . coachdrjulie . com . Dr . Julie is a Certified Life Coach for men and women but has a passion for Women Recovery from Addictions . Creator of Your Recovery Gal program for women . Nationally Certified Addictions Professional . julie @ coachdrjulie . com . Bilingual virtual or in office session .