Collin County Living Well Magazine May/June 2017 | Page 54

Just One Question… How Will I Know I Will Be All Right? By John J. Checki Jr., CPA, CFP®, CRC® and J.J. Checki III A client asked, “We have worked hard. We had and educated our kids, and are enjoying our grandchildren. Heck, we have been saving and investing, since we graduated from college. Now we would like to make some plans to see if we can retire. We have one question: ‘How can I be sure I won’t run out of money while we are doing what is important to me and my family?’ Oh, one more question, ‘How do we pay our bills?’” we planning on doing when we are not working? Do we want to travel, buy a second home in Colorado? What are our spending habits and needs? What do we do for fun? And how expensive is that? Hobbies, do we have hobbies, or horses, or boats, or motorcycles or collect cars or art or watches? How is our family doing? Taxes, do we pay our taxes on time or do we owe some? Any legal actions pending or do you anticipate any developing? And, how do we make our decisions? terview. The only way to get to know the possible solution is to know the problem and the solution that makes the most sense to you. The Obstacles The Possible Solution Case One: Modest Lifestyle and Inheritance Late In Life How much money do we have? How long do we plan on living? (No kid- ding.) Who are we planning on sup- porting? (Yes, there are some people approaching retirement and still have their children and/or grandchildren living with them.) Health, just how healthy or sick are we and what is our family history? Do we still have a mort- gage, car loans, credit cards with bal- ances, a Home Equity Loan? What are 52 I don’t know how some folks wing it when it comes to planning ahead, and I don’t recommend closing our eyes and running as fast as we can either. We have a process, and a series of questions that help us help you identify your Values, Goals, Assets, Liabilities, Hopes, Dreams, Process (how you like to process), Relationships, Health Is- sues, Hobbies, Family, Travel, and whatever else pops up during the in- COLLIN COUNTY Living Well Magazine | MAY/JUNE 2017 Illustrate the Issue After years of having people reach retirement age, whether by choice or by notice, we now have a process, methods, and experience (which is constantly being updated), to help us give you some illustrations of how this has worked and could work. Some people chose their families well and inherited money. The lucky ones inherited later in life. They were col- lege educated, taught school, saved, and approached retirement age, and just in time, a trust kicked in and helped them retire. The key was not the inheritance. They had modest expecta- tions and lifestyle, they had worked,