Collin County Living Well Magazine May/June 2016 | Page 19

5 Indicators of a Heart Issue By Dr. Jay Woody W hether it’s as obvious as chest pains or as discrete as swollen feet, heart problems are never something to be ignored and must be taken seriously. Below are five indicators of a possible heart issue that should not be dismissed. If someone has any of these signs, visit a doctor or seek immediate medical assistance: 1. Chest pains: Chest pains are one of the more obvious signs that something is wrong, yet they are important to note. If a person is experiencing abnormal and severe chest pains, it is necessary for them to see a doctor immediately, as this could be a sign of a cardiac incident. 2. Irregular heartbeat: The human heart beats at a normal rate in order to regularly pump blood through the body. If a person feels like their heart is beating irregularly, they need to go to a doctor to see if something bigger could be going on. 3. Severe abdominal pain: Severe abdominal pain is a symptom of many different ailments, but it can also point to a heart issue. 4. Abnormal pain in your left arm: Severe pain in the left side of the