Collin County Living Well Magazine March/April 2020 | Page 48

HAPPINESS, MORE THAN A FEELING By James Denny T ry counting the number of songs written about Happiness or the lack thereof? Scholars and philosophers have spent their lives searching for the Happiness that has eluded mankind for centuries. There is even a Science of Happiness, (No lie. Look it up). Happiness has been described as an enjoyable or satisfied state. Feelings of joy, appreciation, contentment, and feeling fortunate with one’s situation in life are all indicators of Happiness. Perfect Happiness has been described as enlightenment that comes when you have all your needs satisfied. Duke University conducted a study to determine the difference between Happy and Unhappy People. This study concluded that if the basic needs of food, shelter, clothing, and safety were met for a sustained period, the state of being Happy or Unhappy was based on an individual’s thinking hab- its and patterns. Happiness is an on- going process, not a destination. Hap- 46 Noah Sillman/Unsplash piness requires us to see life from a positive perspective, have a purpose- ful life, and a healthy spiritual life. Could the way to Sustainable Happi- ness be in our thoughts? We all have a million thoughts flying through our minds at any given moment, but we choose the thoughts we dwell on. Grabbing hold of healthy thoughts and memories changes our emotion- al and physical state, which leads to a peace of mind that can experience joy, appreciation, gratitude, and con- tentment. There is no evidence proving wealth contributes to sustainable Happiness, although it does make life easier. Be- ing truly happy is as much about the attitudes within us as the circumstances surrounding us. The following is a list of contributors to a Sustainable Happy and Healthy, Emotional Life: • Find a Purpose or a cause and contribute to making a difference. People who are focused on their needs or situations score lower on the Happiness Test. Giving is bet- COLLIN COUNTY Living Well Magazine | MARCH/APRIL 2020 ter than receiving and being able to elevate something above yourself generates stron- ger self-worth. • Cultivate a strong Spiritual Life that pro- motes love, compassion, thankfulness, loyalty, healthy relationships, and old fash- ion values. Spiritual life will expand your ability to experience Happiness and Healthy Emotions. • Live in the Present. Today has possibilities for fun and enjoyable activities. You can easily miss out if you are not in the moment and forever lose the opportunity. Preoccu- pation with old mistakes and failures leads to depression and emotional stress. • Resolve to be Involved with the Real World. Although the world of technology is trying hard to replace interpersonal relationships, nothing will replace the need for human-to- human interaction. Family, friends, church, and social gatherings contribute to a feel- ing of belonging and purpose. • Embrace Forgiveness when you are hand- ed a Raw Deal. Let go of resentment and self-pity and replace it with the thoughts of undeserved, unearned forgiveness for oth- ers and yourself. It is not an over-exagger- ation to say, when you hold onto a grudge or unforgiveness, it is like taking poison and expecting someone else to get sick. Unfor-