Collin County Living Well Magazine Fall 2014 | Page 48

An Anchor for Your Soul By Michelle Wallace T wo friends who I rarely get the chance to speak with called in one day. One friend called because her world was rocked with news her mom had breast cancer. She said, “I called because you’re the greatest prayer warrior I know.” The other called because she was very shaken over world events. She said something similar: “You’re the strongest person of faith I know.” Somehow that’s both 46 Collin County Living Well Magazine • Fall 2014 frightening and flattering all at one time. I want to be known as someone firmly planted, yet I’m far from piercing the darkness the way I see some of my heroes in the faith breaking through. I shared some thoughts with my friends. I’ll share some thoughts with you; these are not deep and theological, nor will they answer all of life’s questions, they’re simply truth that I know. First, there’s far more going on than meets the eye. John Eldredge