Collin County Living Well Magazine Fall 2014 | Page 37

vegetables; in fact, she never mentioned a single vegetable (other than French fries) in her entire diet. I also cannot remember a single food she reported that was not teeming with gluten. Here’s the bottom line: not one of us is getting any younger; recently a nutritionist put it to me this way: “The classic way of thinking is that, if life is like a hallway, we walk down with many doorways on both sides: a doorway to diabetes, one to heart disease and many others to chronic diseases. At one end of the hallway is a big door that says, DEATH, and at the other end, OPTIMAL HEALTH. If we choose to accept one doorway over the other, then our fate is sealed. The choice is ours to make, by being a proactive participant in managing our lifestyle, or passively accept life as it “happens” to us. Not everyone likes eating their vegetables. This article is not aimed at dissuading you from eating them, either. What is the bottom line, then? Leave it to the wise words of Timer: You are what you swallow, So next time you feel hollow, Don’t just fill your face With any old kind of treat. All you really are… Is what you eat! If you have any questions about your lifestyle choices, please, call us at TexasStar Pharmacy, 972-519-8475, and ask for a consultation with our staff Clinical Nutritionist, Christina. We can set you straight. Article written by Wesley Waters, PharmD Candidate and reviewed by Donna Barsky, D.Ph., R.Ph. TexasStaradforlivingwell.pdf 1 12/12/2013 2:53:52 PM R C M Y CM MY FREE 30 MINUTE NUTRITIONAL CONSULT WHEN YOU MENTION LIVING WELL! (BY APPOINTMENT) CY CMY K Dr. Donna S. Barsky R. Ph., D. Ph. Doctor of Pharmacy, Owner Collin County Living Well Magazine • Fall 2014 35