Collin County Living Well Magazine Fall 2014 | Page 24

A Bitter Pill to Swallow Simple Solutions for medication and supplement administration Mika Bradford, CN, CPhT S o often clients and customers I work with ask how they can reduce the number of pills they are taking each day because the number of pills seems daunting when they combine their medications and dietary supplements. The reasons why some clients want to reduce the number of pills they’re taking can vary but quite often it is because they are no longer able to easily swallow them. Complicating side effects from health conditions, limitations from surgical procedures, poor absorption of pills through the gastrointestinal tract, feeling nauseas or simply being tired of choking down handfuls of pills each day were the most common of reasons. If clients are taking medications, the first step is to have them meet with their physician to see if there are suitable options that could substitute the medications currently being taken, whether it is a smaller pill or change in the frequency of administration or delivery method. We then review their dietary supplements to ensure specific nutrients are not overlapping in excess of what their individual needs actually are. Once we have identified all small pills, liquid and powder substitutes that are available over the counter we would begin to identify which products were not. Working with the client’s physician and our local compounding pharmacy, we proceeded to identify which products and formulas can be compounded into liquids powders or creams. Quite often products can be combined to lessen the number of individual items being taken. Of the many compounded delivery methods for medications and dietary supplements, clients are often surprised that many products can be compounded into a topical cream. The market for compounded topical medications including lotions has grown tremendously in the past four years. Topical formulas allow products to be absorbed easily through the skin allowing the medications to bypass any problems with malabsorption, moving too slowly or too fast through the digestive tract. Topical medications are often prescribed for individuals who have chronic pain, allowing the medication to be applied to a specific area of the body. The benefit is twofold in that the medication is applied to