Collin County Living Well Magazine Fall 2014 | Page 10

We’re supposed to be staying in one of the guest houses, and tomorrow I’ll be interviewing Mr. Schneider about his studios. However, he’s not answering his phone at the moment. Up until about 15 minute ago, we’d been corresponding on our whereabouts. I’m not too worried, just yet. But, it’s a little after 9:30, and we’re running late due to the weather. Finally, we make an educated guess that the large, lit up house we’re approaching is where our guest rooms are for the evening. Of course, the spooky sign in the driveway saying, “Camp at your Own Risk” all but confirms it. This was the prop John had told us to look for, a leave behind from his movie Smothered, a film he wrote and directed. I knock at the door and John Schneider soon greets us. He’s enthusiastic, and immediately apologizes for the sudden loss in communication, as his phone had just died. So all is well and we decide to watch Smothered. Sitting through the film was intensified, knowing it had been shot in and near the house we’d be staying in for the evening. Afterwards, Schneider asks for our feedback, and is genuinely interested about our take on various plot twists. We offer positive Schneider with Gigi Bella Perkins who is featured heavily in his upcoming film Smothered. BRIAN D. PERKINS PERKOGRAPHY