MAKE WAR NOT LOVE "There is only one sin, onl y one. And that Is theft . Every other sin Is a variatio n of theft ... When yo u kill a man , you ste al a life. You steal his wife's right to a husband , rob his children of a lather . Whe n you tell a lie, you steal someone 's right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal t he right to faimess."- Khaled Ho,;sein i He had learnt to never fall for peop le, but She; with her deep, dark, never en din(: eyes, wholly capable of perfectly fitting the ever expa nding universe, an d the sm oot h crescen t on her face were all it needed to make him stumble straight down, tow.irds the land ing of the stairway to heaven. Never having really felt anything like this before, they bioth , neve r wanted to get over it. From sharing their deepest desires and their darkest veiled secrets; to making their dreams coincide and their lifes unite; they Introduced a cute but an ine fficie nt crawling fk1o r deane r to their world. Life had just become whole, a hole, ready to be dril led i n, w as the next command in !ine, waiting for its preceding code to complete. Never haven given any heed to material istic be long ings, never had he imagined in his wildest thoughts that the people he love d the most, the ones for whom he lived, would be the ones who'd get stolen. Stolen/murdered; didn't matter much now. Eve n mo re depre ss ing was the fact that he was not the only one who'd been robbed, but rather, tha l he was j ust ano ther of the millions who'd lost their !oved ones in less than a fraction of a second, to a petty fig ht ove r mon ey and rellcion , discu ised perfectly and immaculately as a war. Only having heard that the rules of fair play do not apply to love and war, if only, now, he could make the deciding committee open their eyes to the fact that the age old statement had no place in the modern world, and that the curren t wor ld is progressive & integ rative and not recessive and derivative ... but, maybe as the fight was in fact over age old conventions and beliefs ... he just might have had travelled through the vast expanse of time while per sever in g for th e slightest sign of life in the eyes of hi s mo5t preserved pieces of life. From whom even a second away seemed to be an unaccountable, and a worthless Instance of lime, it'd been 7 years since he'd last heard them speak; 7 long years since th e war in Syria started and to which an end seems not even a quarter of a mile closer t han whe n it all had started; nearly 29 people die each and every day in Syria, "just one big family per d,iy" seems to be the perfect tagline for the power thirsty groups trying lo gobble up which was once th e most secu lar nation in th e Middle East. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day, a child rummage s through the gravel and dust for a piece of bread; garbage bins are now their eatery outlets and sleep, the ir new dream. Whilst we sleep comfortably in our beds, they sleep with their eyes and ears w ide open, on the rubbles of what arguably wa s once. their home. Each night, they know not whether the day after would be any different, yet, they grab on to whatever sliver of hope t hat's left in them, and pray and wish that things go back to normal, whatever norma l now meant.