College Track Dreamers Services Brochure DREAMer_Trifold_Brochure_FINAL_digital | Page 2

College Track was founded in 1997 with the belief that every student has the potential to change the world, regardless of their immigration status. We know that students possess an enormous amount of talent, but too many lack the opportunity to unleash it. For DREAMers, options are even more limited. Today, DREAMers make up a significant population of high school and college students, yet they don’t have access to the same academic, financial, and social-emotional support as their documented peers. We make a commitment to support every aspect of a DREAMers’ journey to and through college. Equipped with a four-year college degree, they return to their families and communities as a role model for generations to come. They prove that with hard work and perseverance comes a more just and equitable world; a world where no students’ status defines their future. TODAY, WE HAVE INCREASED DREAMER SERVICES TO SUPPORT UNDOCUMENTED STUDENTS AT THIS CRITICAL TIME FOR THE IMMIGRANT COMMUNITY.