Predictors of better outcomes after college
In our survey we ask a range of questions about behaviors in college that lead to better career outcomes . We analyze the impact of these behaviors on finding a job within six months and securing stable income . Detailed results are documented in Appendix B . The sample size is small for this type of statistical analysis , yet this year we were able to run a multi-variable regression model on 70 recent graduates , confirming last year ’ s findings :
• One internship increases the rate of securing full-time employment six months after graduation by nearly 40 % and two internships by 50 %
• Majoring in STEM increases both chances of employment ( 20 %) and income ($ 9,000 ) 8
In addition , several other factors continue to appear significant on single variable regressions :
• Graduating from a Best Fit College increases the chance of employment by 20 %
• Majoring in social sciences , as compared to another major that is also not STEM ( eg liberal arts , business ) increases chances of employment by 30 %
• Having a well defined plan for postgraduation increases the chance of employment by 10 %
Because national research suggests they are important 9 , we will continue investigating the following college experiences that do not currently appear significant in our data ::
• Having a faculty member mentor
• Participating in a campus group or organization
• Holding a leadership role on campus
• We found no direct relationship between paid hours worked and career outcomes , controlling for GPA . However , national research continues to point to the importance of not relying too heavily on work to pay for college so we will keep encouraging our students to work less than 15 hours per week
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