As with any major project, the success and the joy of the work comes from the people you work
with. The College of Health and Social Science’s Task Force on Scholarship was charged by
the Dean to (a) undertake an examination of the values and principles that guide scholarship in
the College and (b) draft a statement that reflects these values and principles. To that end, the
collaboration between the faculty on this Task Force and key staff throughout the College have
produced both the CHSS Vision on Scholarship and the Scholarship Portfolio that you see before
you! It is our collective hope that this Scholarship Portfolio honors the creative and scholarly energy
of our faculty and students and that the collective work of our community of scholars turns our
Vision on Scholarship into a reality.
Alvin Alvarez
Associate Dean
The College of Health and Social Sciences wishes to express our deep appreciation to the following
staff and faculty:
Cristina Alcantara, CHSS Office
Andres Consoli, Counseling
Gerald Eisman, School of Public Affairs and Civic Engagement
John Elia, Health Education
Bonnie Hale, Institute for Civic and Community Engagement
Kate Hamel, Kinesiology
Tom Kelleher, CHSS Office
Allen LeBlanc, Sociology and Sexuality Studies
Wen Wen Li, School of Nursing
Alicia Pisani, Institute for Civic and Community Engagement
Ariz Sanchez, CHSS Office
Saya Tanaka, CHSS Office