college guide 2016-17 Sept. 2016 | Page 7

MSCPA Student Membership Application Student membership will expire once you become eligible for an Associate or Fellow Membership by passing the CPA Exam or working in the accounting profession. Personal Information: First Name Middle Initial Nick Name Gender Last Name Date of Birth Name of College Address of College City State Zip Anticipated Month/Year of Graduation Major/Degree I am interested in joining the MSCPA High School Outreach Speakers Bureau. I have graduated and have applied, or am sitting for, the CPA Exam. Mailing Address to receive correspondence: Street Address P. O. Box City State Zip Home Phone Cell Phone Preferred Email Promotional Code Secondary Email Twitter @ Payment Information: Dues: $25 I have enclosed a check for $25 I am paying by credit card Credit Card Type: Mastercard Visa American Express Card Number: Exp. Date (mm/yy): / Name on Credit Card: Please Return Application to: The Massachusetts Society of CPAs 105 Chauncy St, 10th Floor, Boston, MA 02111 M a s s a c h u s e t t s S o c i e t y o f C e r t i f i e d P u b l i c A c c o u n t a n t s • C PA t r a c k . c o m collegegd_textpp_FINAL_0912B.indd 5 5 9/16/16 9:20 AM