college guide 2016-17 Sept. 2016 | Page 34

GET MORE THAN A MASTER’S GET READY FOR THE CPA EXAM Amber Hu, CPA, MSA ‘08, MST ‘09 International Tax Manager Ernst & Young LLP The Suffolk MS in Accounting prepares you for the CPA exam—a smart career move. đƫ Courses align with professional practice and are integrated with Wiley-CPAexcel, exam preparation software đƫ Degrees in as few as 10 months with the 4+1 Program đƫ Electives in forensic accounting, controllership, information technology, and more đƫ Merit-based scholarships available đƫ MS in Taxation also available Suffolk offers the only accounting and tax programs in Boston separately accredited by AACSB. And our high standards assure your career success. Accounting [email protected] 32 Taxation [email protected] 2 0 1 6 - 1 7 C o l l e g e S t u d e n t ’s G u i d e t o A c c o u n t i n g F i r m s i n M a s s a c h u s e t t s content_collegeguide_0912.indd 32 9/12/16 4:56 PM