college guide 2016-17 Sept. 2016 | Page 32

The Manning School of Business is fully accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, International (AACSB) MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTING The Manning School of Business at the University of Massachusetts Lowell has a long history of educating business leaders. Through programs in accounting, entrepreneurship, finance, international business, management, management information systems, marketing and supply chain and operations management, we provide students with the broad range of skills necessary for success. THE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTING (MSA) PROGRAM The Master of Science in Accounting (MSA) program in the Manning School of Business at UMass Lowell provides an economically affordable opportunity for qualified students to meet the licensing requirements to become Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), or to prepare for careers in public, corporate, government and non-profit accounting. The MSA program can be completed fully online and is open to either full-time or part-time students. Visit for more information and application. Contact Prof. Stefanie Tate, MSA Coordinator, at [email protected] or 978-934-2815 with any questions. 30 2 0 1 6 - 1 7 C o l l e g e S t u d e n t ’s G u i d e t o A c c o u n t i n g F i r m s i n M a s s a c h u s e t t s content_collegeguide_0912.indd 30 9/12/16 4:56 PM