Becoming a CPA in Massachusetts*
* These FAQs are current as of September 7, 2016. Because the MA Board
of Public Accountancy is expected to make significant changes to the CPA
certification requirements in the coming months, you are advised to visit for an overview of the anticipated changes and an up-to-date
version of these FAQs.
Read on to find the answers to some commonly-asked questions about
becoming a CPA in Massachusetts.
* 1. What are the general requirements for becoming a CPA?
All candidates for certification must meet specific educational requirements
and pass the Uniform CPA Exam. In addition, experience in the practice of public accounting may be required, depending on your educational background.
(For more information about the experience requirement, see FAQ # 7.)
* 2. What is the education requirement for becoming a CPA?
Candidates pursuing CPA certification in Massachusetts are required to have
150 credit hours of college-level education from a nationally or regionally-accredited college or university. Associate Degree/Community College courses
must be transferred into a four-year bachelor’s degree program. Credits can
be earned outside of an actual bachelor’s or graduate degree. Introductory
accounting courses qualify to fulfill accounting course requirements.
3. Do I need a graduate degree to become a CPA?
NO, the only degree required for certification is a bachelor’s degree. However, the skills and knowledge usually developed in a graduate program (e.g.,
Masters of Accounting, Masters in Tax, MBA, law degree) may be very useful
in helping CPAs to meet client demands. For this reason, the Massachusetts
Society of CPAs strongly encourages a graduate education.
* 4. Does my college-level education need to include specific coursework?
It depends; the requirements vary based on the highest degree you obtain.
Summary information is provided below.
Option 1. If you obtain a Master’s degree in accounting from an AACSB
accredited accounting program, or an accounting program that has been
approved by the Massachusetts Board of Public Accountancy, you will not
need to meet specific course requirements.
Option 2. If you earn a graduate degree in accounting from a school that
does not fall within Level 1, or if you earn a graduate degree in business
administration or law, you will need 18 semester hours (27 quarter hours)
of accounting at the graduate level or 30 semester hours (45 quarter hours)
at the undergraduate level, or an equivalent combination thereof. These
courses must include coverage in financial accounting, audit, taxation, and
management accounting.
M a s s a c h u s e t t s S o c i e t y o f C e r t i f i e d P u b l i c A c c o u n t a n t s • C PA t r a c k . c o m
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