college guide 2016-17 Sept. 2016 | Page 14

Summary of General Hiring Practices of Profiled Firms The paragraphs that follow summarize data obtained from the sixty-two (62) accounting firms profiled in the 2016-17 College Student’s Guide to Accounting Firms in Massachusetts. Generalizations about firms not represented in this publication should not be made. The Society hopes that this gathered information will be of value as you prepare for your accounting career. If you are interested in any particular firm, please contact them for further information about their hiring practices. 150 Hour Compliance Candidates pursuing CPA certification in Massachusetts are required to have 150 credit hours of college-level education. Almost all international firms, the majority of national firms, and a percentage of regional and local firms require 150 hour compliance when hiring entry-level staff. GPA Academic success is a factor in entry-level hiring decisions. The majority of prospective employers use both the overall Grade Point Average (GPA) as well as the Accounting/Business Major GPA as a screening factor and about 18% of the firms have higher expectations for the Accounting/Business Major. Nineteen percent of the regional firms and 42% of the local firms cited that GPA is not considered in making a hiring decision. Overall Acceptable Grade Point Average (GPA) 3.5 GPA (2%) 3.4 GPA (2%) 3.3 GPA (6%) 3.25 GPA (2%) N/A (27%) 2.8 GPA (1%) 3.0 GPA (55%) 3.2 GPA (3%) 3.1 GPA (2%) 12 2 0 1 6 - 1 7 C o l l e g e S t u d e n t ’s G u i d e t o A c c o u n t i n g F i r m s i n M a s s a c h u s e t t s content_collegeguide_0912.indd 12 9/12/16 4:56 PM