College For Women library issue 3 2013-2013 | Page 5
Section 75 & Ms. Fatima Assadi
All of us are very lucky because
we have a library on our campus.
When we visit the PSCW Library
in Building One, we notice
many interesting changes in its
interior design, its equipment,
its resources, and its services.
Although Ms. Ohoud, Ms. Lanie,
Ms. Maha, Ms. Arwa, and Ms.
Shurouq are extremely busy
reviewing suggestions, procuring,
The New Modern
Atmosphere of
PSCW Library
Dr. Lamya Ramadan,
English Department Lecturer.
information, etc., they always
give priority to the questions and
service requests of those who
come to study, to research, to
read, or to use the ipad, scanner,
etc. Expect more changes in the
future in order to make the PSCW
Library one of the best places on
campus for everyone!
Dear Readers,
Happy Hijry Year to you all inshaAllah.
It is amazing to watch our PSCW
Library grow from a small allocated
partition to a mountain overflowing with
knowledge for every PSCW users. Many
of faculty not only take our students
to the Library but actually go there to
enjoy the new modern atmosphere of
excellence about the place. There are
iPads and Wi-Fi for students now and
hundreds of new books are arriving
around the clock in all academic fields
to answer to all the needs of students
in all specializations. The Library’s new
online services save time and energy
قدرتي على اجللوس في مكان واحد ملدة طويلة لم
أستطع حتقيق قراري بشكل كامل. ولكن تطور
لدي حب ألجوائها، ملقاعدها ،لطاوالتها ،جملموعة
،الكتب املتواضعة التي ماتنفك تزداد كل يوم
.وملوظفات املكتبة اخمللصات
أمتنى فعالً أن أزورها بعد سنوات ألرى التطور
امللحوظ الذي يحدث من اآلن، ولتكون مرجع لي
كمتخرجة من جامعة األمير سلطان و لكل
.طالبات العلم الالتي تخرجن من اجلامعة وغيرها
ملكتبتنا العزيزة، كنت معلَما ً سياحيا ً لطالبات
الثانوية عند زيارتهن للجامعة، وكنت مأوى ملن
تريد االسترخاء والتركيز في دراستها، وكنت
.موطنًا الجتماعات نوادينا
شكرا ً مكتبة كلية البنات إلستيعابك لنا. وإلى
.!لقاء آخر
for all the administration, students and
faculty so they can check the status of
on-shelfe material with the click of a
mouse. We get to receive very useful
sites in emails that offer free or near free
e-books for everyone. We are informed
of just-in books in the market in English,
ID, Law, Architecture, Information
Sciences, Marketing and Finance.
daily International and Local Media is
made available to all by the proficient
Library Team so we could keep abreast
of all up to date information. I would
like to congratulate the Library on its
achievements and wish all its users a
very successful academic year.
لطاملا أسمينا أنا و صديقاتي ملكتبة كلية البنات
بجامعة األمير سلطان بـ”احملراب”. وقد انطلق هذا
ً املسمى ألن إحدى صديقاتي كانت تقضي وقتا
،طويالً في املكت